Achilleas Demetriades gave a presentation on the droit de suite (artists’ resale rights). You can access the outline of his speech here.
Achilleas Demetriades gave a presentation on the basic principles of copyright in the Republic of Cyprus at an event organised by the Cyprus Neighbouring RightsRead More
We are pleased to announce that our law office has been recommended in The Legal 500 Europe, Middle East & Africa 2018 as a TOP-TIER FIRM in two practice areas: EU & Competition and Intellectual Property. Achilleas Demetriades of our office has been named a “Leading Lawyer” in the same practice areas.Read More Read More
On 16 November 2017, Achilleas Demetriades chaired a panel on Copyright Law in the Digital Era, in the context of the Regulation and Enforcement in the Digital Age conference.